How Creativity Decreases Stress

Discovering Creativity

Softly, ink travels down the tip of my fountain pen, melting into the paper. Lines reach for lines, arcs for arcs, beautiful and windswept. Soft hues echo bright colours in this artwork.  

Creativity is a healer for my soul. Burnout can steal creativity, but it has only surrendered lightly beneath the surface. With just enough pause, sweeping music in the background, and the bright light of the sun spilling through the window, creativity once again dances across the page.

In the early days of burnout, creativity seemed lost, confined to dark shadows, floating in murky waters, but little by little, she began to emerge. 

The Struggle

In the beginning, my artwork was strict with rigidity and rules. I had expectations far too lofty for my talents to fulfill. I dreamed of fluid lines only to find sharp edges. What played in my mind did not transfer to the paper beneath my hands. Beginning a new piece was always the most challenging when my capacity for inventiveness vanished upon the singed tips of nerve endings.  

At times, art was simply an escape, an outlet. Once I began letting go of what could have been, what should have been, and what was lost forever, I was free to envision what was good, worthy and right. As I allowed the imperfect to flow out on canvas, so my heart began to heal from perfectionism. When freedom entered my heart, gracefulness ensued, and creativity flowed. Like watercolour paint seeping into paper, so my soul found its rootedness.

Beauty and nature became both my inspiration and teachers. Daisies dancing freely in the breeze, majestic trees standing tall and proud, a sunflower raising her pretty face to her Creator; these were the images that stirred my imagination.

Later came the horses. Windswept mains, strong legs, and gracefully arched necks revealed power combined with grace. Wild galloping and tranquil grazing became fodder for my imagination.

Your Turn

Creativity was an important part of my recovery. Take a few moments to think about where you have creativity in your life and explore where your creativity lies when you feel whole and free. Do you build cabinets, bake cakes, write poems or walk forest trails?

Consider how you can invite creativity into your life this week, even if only five minutes a day. Even a little creativity can begin to restore equilibrium.

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